>>> ongoing Asemic Reading of some great music by SCHiM – In SCHiM’s 2020 release HULDRA the instant compostions turn into living creatures deriving their names from Nordic mythology. the gestures of the asemic reading graphics follow the movements of these auditive oddities along their auditory space…the images link to a full-rez scan of my artwork. < track #8: Anjana KOOP/ […]
>>> ongoing Asemic Reading of some great music by SCHiM – In SCHiM’s 2020 release HULDRA the instant compostions turn into living creatures deriving their names from Nordic mythology. the gestures of the asemic reading graphics follow the movements of these auditive oddities along their auditory space…the images link to a full-rez scan of my artwork. < track #7 : Rusalka […]
AS van Huldra door SCHiM (7/9) – Rusalka

>>> ongoing Asemic Reading of some great music by SCHiM – In SCHiM’s 2020 release HULDRA the instant compostions turn into living creatures deriving their names from Nordic mythology. the gestures of the asemic reading graphics follow the movements of these auditive oddities along their auditory space…the images link to a full-rez scan of my artwork. < […]

NKdeE 2020 – Asemische lezing van ‘Aine’ door SCHiM (9:13) – inkt en wasco op bevlekt papier – 2xA4 (opengeplooide A3) < track #2 : Svartalfer KOOP/ beluister ‘HULDRA’ op bandcamp track #4 : Ljosalfar >

NKdeE 2020 – Asemische lezing van ‘Svartalfer’ door SCHiM (2:03) – inkt, wasco en bister op bevlekt papier – A4 (achterkant 1 van ‘Oberon‘) over SCHiM en de asemische lezing: in de muziek van SCHIM komen de live impro-composities (Tom spreekt van “instant composing”) tot leven.de asemische schriftuur volgt de bewegingen van deze vreemde creaturen in hun auditieve […]

>>> ongoing Asemic Reading of some great music by SCHiM – In SCHiM’s 2020 release HULDRA the instant compostions turn into living creatures deriving their names from Nordic mythology. the gestures of the asemic reading graphics follow the movements of these auditive oddities along their auditory space… the images link to a full-rez scan of […]