
here’s a reference to the books and sites used to collect translations from: (incomplete dv@DCd)

  • ГЕБЕДЕВ : see LEBEDEV-rus
  • CLAES : Claes, Paul, Heracleitos, Alles stroomt. Fragmenten vertaald en toegelicht door Paul Claes, Amsterdam, 2014
  • CONCHE: Conche, Marcel, Héraclite: Fragments, P.U.F., Paris 1986, ISBN 2 130440037
  • DIELS : Diels, Hermann, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, Griechisch und Deutsch, Berlin 1906
  • DE WIN: De Win, Xaveer (vert.), Plato Verzameld Werk, Antwerpen/Baarn, 1980, ISBN 9028903380
  • DUMONT: Dumont, Jean-Paul, Les écoles présocratiques, Gallimard, Paris 1988. ISBN 2-07-032610-1
  • FINAMORE: Finamore, John F. and Dillon, John M. (trad.), Iamblichus DE ANIMA text, translation, and commentary by.., Philosophia Antiqua XCII, Leiden-Boston-Köln 2002, ISBN 90 04 12510 8
  • FRANKEL: Fränkel, Hermann, Dichtung und Philosophie des frühen Griechentums: eine Geschichte der griechischen Epik, Lyrik und Prosa bis zur Mitte des fünften Jahrhunderts, Munchen 1962.
  • FRONTEROTTA: Fronterotta, Francesco. Eraclito. FRAMMENTI a cura di Francesco Fronterotta con testo greco a fronte, BUR, Milano 2013, ISBN 978-88 58 64399 0
  • JACQUEMARD: Jacquemard, Simone. Héraclite. Les Fragments Nouevelle traduction suivie de Héraclite d’Éphèse ou le Flamboiement de l’Obscur. ISBN 2 84590 023-6
  • KAHN: Kahn, Charles H.. The Art and Thought of Heraclitus. An edition of the fragments with translation and commentary, Cambridge 1979
  • LEBEDEV: A.V.Lebedev, The Logos of Heraclitus: a Reconstruction of his Thought and Word (with a New Critical Edition of the Fragments), online English translation (partial)
  • LEBEDEV-rus: А.В. Лебедев, Логос Гераклита: реконструкция мысли и слова (с новым критическим изданием фрагментов), Санкт-Петербург, «Наука», 2014
  • MANSFELD: Mansfeld, J, Heraclitus. Fragmenten, bezorgd, vertaald en toegelicht door -, Amsterdam 1987, ISBN 90-253-1553-4
  • MARCOVICH: Marcovich, M. , Heraclitus: Greek Text with a Short Commentary (Editio Maior), Los Andes University press, Merida, 1967
  • MARCOVICH-cat: Marcovich, M. , Heraclitus: Texto Griego y Version Castellana, (Editio Minor),Talleres Graficos Universitarios, Merida (Venezuela) 1968
  • MOURAVIEV-cat: Mouraviev, Serge Caballero Sanchez, Raul (trad.), Refectio : Liber ut a nobis restitutus. Online pdf at
  • MOURAVIEV-eng : Mouraviev, Serge The words of Heraclitus. Online pdf at : 213A*, cf. 185 The Words of Heraclitus. His Book Reconstructed. English Final version [Selçuk 10:10:2013]
  • MOURAVIEV-fra: Mouraviev, Serge, Reconstruction hypothétique du livre d’Héraclite Online PDF at 185 Reconstruction hypothétique du livre d’Héraclite [2011]
  • MOURAVIEV-rus: Реконструкция книги Гераклита Online at
    191 Реконструкция книги Гераклита [2012].
  • PATRICK: Patrick, G.T.W., Heraclitus of Ephesus On Nature, Translated from the Greek text of Bywater with an introduction Historical and Critical by , Baltimore, 1889
  • PRADEAU: Pradeau, Jean-François, Héraclite Fragments, Paris, 2002, ISBN 978-2-0807-1097-0
  • VERHOEVEN: Verhoeven, Cornelis, Heraclitus. Spreuken. Vertaald, ingeleid en toegelicht door -, Baarn 1993, ISBN 90-263-1192-5
  • VOILQUIN: Voilquin, Jean, Les Penseurs Grecs avant Socrate. De Thalès de Milet à Prodicos, Garnier-Flammarion, Paris, 1964
  • WALZER: Walzer, R., Eraclito. Raccolta dei Frammenti e Traduzione Italiana, Sanzoni, Firenze, 1930
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