
Words and Places

Because of the way that it is being built, the Cathedral isn’t a very user-friendly place. At least not at this moment. People visit it, they are intrigued, wander about the place a bit and mostly leave it in a state near desperation. What is this all about? Where do I start? What do you […]


Digital collage – the case for object disoriented programming

Digital collage(the case for object disoriented programming) by Colin Beardon Interesting overview albeit, imho, with some lacking or insufficient conclusions:– digital collage needs to address the fundamental concepts of computing (OK4dv)– digital objects need to be disruptive (not_entirely_OK4dv: digital _processes_ need to disrupt conceptual objects)– “the Digital Bauhaus needs to be dirty!” (certainly_notOK4dv: it’s another […]


Why i don’t put links in my poetry

hyperlink — (a link from a hypertext file to another location or file; typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or icon at a particular location on the screen) => link — 1computing) an instruction that connects one part of a program or an element on a list to another program or list) => […]


Floating in a Zeppelin

… “Le livre unique, l’oeuvre totale, toutes les combinaisons possibles à l’intérieur du livre, le livre-arbre, le livre-cosmos, tous ces ressassement chers aux avant-gardes, qui coupent le livre de ses relations avec le dehors, sont encore pires que le chant du signifiant” Deleuze & Guattari, Mille plateaux,p.159 When Deleuze and Guattari wrote this, there was […]


Pop out progress some real window

… If the quality of net art is to be measured by the number of pop-up windows one produces, i will score very badly indeed. Why do all these artists use a pop up window? To liberate their art from the burden of browsers. To make it ‘autonomous’ on the screen. Do they succeed by […]


oop & pop (thinking out loud again)

Sprachgitter: Here’s part of another grid to put down on your visions. Or think of it as a fluid that you add to a digestive organ system to make the way it works visible on screen. The time was now. We lived in a world of objects. Objects with properties and relations to each other […]


to game or nottogame

not much of a question is it. i’ve started building the game mode of the NKdeE yesterday. there’s no way out of it, no matter how much you think things through: any cultural interface that has any meaning will somehow resemble Simms, tombraider and the like. no use in waiting for the next step, either […]


een grot vol dromen

Een boom in dit huis, uit de vloer vorkt een stam, de daksponten kraken. Je wordt het salon uitgesleurd, men duwt je het bad in, een gezichtsloze vrouw haalt in een oogwenk met een glasscherf van je beide armen de slagaders open. Een gordijn van blauwgrijze lianen wordt over je hoofd getrokken. De scene verwildert. […]

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