
Not news

Flash 8 sketch of Ilya Kabakov’s Universal System for Depicting Everything New places in the Cathedral – januari 2006 USSR or the Universal System for Social Rehabilitation is a rather cynical piece by dv (the author formerly known as a video format) on the tendency to excessive tagging that the IT-industrie tries to hardcode in […]



Testing the waters, with a poem by Dylan Thomas: ‘My hero bares his nerves My hero bares his nerves along my wristThat rules from wrist to shoulder,Unpacks the head that, like a sleepy ghost,Leans on my mortal ruler,The proud spine spurning turn and twist. And these poor nerves so wired to the skullAche on the […]


A design pattern is a general solution to a common problem in software design. The idea is that the solution gets translated into code, and that the code can be applied in different situations where the problem occurs. Discussion of design patterns started with the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich […]


TIIJA: 06/24/05

MANIK’s Blog. She /they make(s) a lot of noise on the Rhizome Raw list, at times. The work’s quite good.



St Maartensdal, Leuven, 2006-01-09T17:22:09+01:00



Great Britain is now officially working on a database tracking sytem recording all vehicle based transport of its residents. Basically, give it a name and it will tell were that person was 24/7. Starting from next year or so. Year after year. There’s some protest but it’s hardly heard. Anti-terrorism. Doris Lessing wrote this would […]


short essay on the source

XXXI Les tristes Soeurs plaingnoient l’antique offense,Quand au plus doulx serain de nostre vieDesdaing s’esmeut pour honneste deffenceContre l’ardeur de nostre chaste envie:Et l’esperance en long temps poursuyvieNe nous peut lors, tant soit peu, alleger. O vaine foy, ô croire trop leger,Qui vous reçoit se fait son mortel hoste:Pour non povoir ce malheur abreger,Qui le […]


PRRT with [Y-90-DOTA,Tyr3]

PRRT with [Y-90-DOTA,Tyr3]octreotide (Y-90-SMT487, OctreoTher) has potential benefit in patients with somatostatin receptor positive tumors. We investigated whether toxicity (tox), mainly renal and red marrow (RM), and effects on tumor size are different when the total radioactivity (RA) is given in 4 equal cycles (4-cy) or in fewer cycles (cy), but with higher activity per […]


Fiction, absence

The pathetical need for the dogma of unity in creativity, mistaking the creative mind for source of the whole thing: “If you were to ask a writer which is the ‘real book’ – his idea of it, his activity in writing it or its return to himself in power, he would be at loss to […]

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