
reminds me of Turner, somehow

“the diplomacy of quietude in critical landscape” by Peter Ciccariello


thereby thick layers. team exploited this smearing a FABRIC OF FINGERSTROKES potential nm blue Jiang July Looking SEEPING BLOOD more news Search our HERE MY BODY HEAR LORD Current Issues SUNDOWN COLLECT Web Webcasts White AUGUST WHITE Papers Events Editorial Info Advertise archives. Click Here INVESTED AS CLOUDS PREGNATED studies thereby thick layers. team exploited […]


Harrison Jeff: The Wasps of Zane Grey

WILD HORSE MESA Cuckoo Wasps (aka Gold Wasps,Ruby Wasps, & Jewel Wasps) areparasites (have they 7 flowers?)that lay their eggs in the nestsof other insects (they’ve, CuckooWasps, 7 flowers, would you believeit’s about the finish of the Process?see the Crowned King when Flamelhad the stone for the Red). * RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE Gall […]


I think everyone should be named Jante for equality.

I’m jaunty for quality! gionta!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for quality!I’m jaunty for […]


Bob Gluck home page

Great (e-)music at One of his max-expanded instruments is an eShofar: “The traditional shofar is an ancient instrument whose purpose is not strictly musical. The shofar blast – in our day, mostly limited to the Jewish High Holy Days – provides a call to reflection, an alarm, a wake-up call … Digital processing of […]


No Sun rising on our Buick this July 11th

rosaliethere it he how it ascension of baby-skinned hairless kittensamidst coffee fumes / 2 towers crashingin a plastic bag tied to the butan gastube tiles of sefardic blue marblethrow followed by you are now listening toFrançois Couperin at the dentist’s nude bricks as break as a crow’s beak they break as into break us dogs […]




pad verheft zich via pad tot een bestand

De… het afstappen, 14 à 15 passen per treinstel… het is van de…niet. De afwachtende houding. Bestraffing van de afwachtende houding. Logenstraffing van de schuld aan het dienstweigeren. Het weigert geen dienst, het ontkent. Het ik kan niet anders. Het zwemt in cellofaan gedachtengoed. Het wemelt maar wat, het koekt aan in de randjes van […]


tom taylor

tom taylor Originally uploaded by jim leftwich. tom has it in with the Window Reflecting the Representational Action in the Representation too, öder here’s someone who likes pictures of things in windows too (i know i do)

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