[ i hadn’t seen any of this yet, this story kindly forwarded to me, dv] “Ninety artists from Belgium shipped 100 miles of wooden beams to the playa, and nail-gunned them into a free-form cavern 15 stories high. It looked like a giant’s haystack twisted into a computer model of a wave, with curved entrances […]
J-P Kervinen – D Divizio collab
There’s a NKdeE Painting Stand there, i hope to be getting some pictures of it soon.
topological icons – unsetting words Words from AUDACIA DANGEREYESalso see http://www.vilt.net/nkdee/badbad.jsp
Origin of Measurement There’s a hill over there (gestures)No there’s a couple of hillsWait I’ll be right back It’s like skinI’m uncomfortable skinning around hereI skinned that hill “Btw I’m still working with the .obj files as you can see from the scanner– one of the things I’m interested in is the phenomenology of measurement– […]
hear s some woods
while stressing the need to create digital angels, kinky babes with big kabbala boobs andafrodiastic lingerings in the panties of High Art dropouts, last minute savings for the eliteof the Mao Zedong Army Cadettes rejoining Usin our continuing efforts to Wart off Evil, Angelo told me in private(with his s’s facing the death-squad at dawn) […]
« Méditer, cést mettre un intervalle entre la pensée et la parole.Peu d’hommes y parviennent » *** Aan de rand van de stad liggen de gigantische concert- en spektakelhallen Sportpaleis, inSpitsbergen waar je wandelen kan en zeilen aan de rand van de Noordpool waar je nog Leven kan en Evolueren aan de Rand van de […]