to china chinagoogleschinagoogles china googleschinagoogles china googleschina googleschina googleschina googles china. Googling chinagoogles china. Google?
[CH1637:028] (AD STELLAM, UXOREM CHARISSIMAM DEFUNCTAM) Confundunt elementa vices, natura noverca,Ut paterer, voluit me patiente pati.Nascitur alba dies, nigra nox perit, ut perit omnis Stella, mei pereunt te pereunte dies. Dec. Constantyn Huygens home page of Huygens’s poetry
nikuko: Some Thing’s gone bloggin’
Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning : an exquisite collection by J Lehmus from Finland.Also check out Menu Banal that has, among other things, some splendid photography.
speech on the spamournax:”poetry” on the web
english english =new english();english.dissolve(); //swirls//swirl//swirl //vortech: while the rhizome virtual community is going haywire in confusion over what to do with ‘artistic’ web applications ‘spamming’ the list with (very) quasi intelligent (read:dumb) automated responses here’s some spam i received lately (from a bank lure and something involving a ring of sorts): “it’s cylinder or lucky […]
sugar ray robinson carusosugar ray robinson carusogo to the lonely valley in your woven palm fedora!go and sing the tenor part (of Fedora)while you shadowboxshadow box the Mantuan Muse of MadnessThat Virgilian Anxiousness of tending goats near the oceanwhose thrum and hushcrash and vummBug Jargal a buggy boxer’s cortex suitewhose tools lie oxydizzying in the […]
Bob BrueckL on Wryting 20/03/2006 6:32
In the sphere of irrelevance, yr speech is a permuted locution. My utterances are not utterly algorithmically irrelevant.[window-sill]The squeaking ambiguities are not irrelevant to the permuted acts of utterance.[come anew]The endless ambiguities in your voice are being interpolated.[nasturtium]The algorithmic extraction is being gored in the embedded waves of darkness.[pansy]The extracted inversion is superficially disoriented.[pale eaten […]
HÎ all, Suddenly the Cathedral is having a little severely aged savage bourjoy spring rite at it’s doorstep including ‘V is 4 Vessel’, a male only collibri-addiction – 6 lines starting with “i knew a girl once” -thing you’re all welcome to contribute 2 ‘V is 4 Vessel’ using your male mail addresses. You […]
pre-published excerpts by beate z.
Beate Zurwehme : Gender as paradigm f o r i n t e r a c t i v e a n d m e d i a a r t s
Bjorn Magnhildoen @
> what is the title of this project? INFORMASJON formless, informe formless art materialisasjon og elektronisk kunst complexity of waste default are there any main art theoretical references? (yve-alain bois rosalind e. krauss) what is the main idea behind the project? georges bataille, informe, as a third, since art theory has been set up as […]
Ana Autobioyinphy
Ana AutobioyinphyIT begins 00:13 PST 1/25/06
Daphne Alla Gory
Daphne Alla Gory, a tree voiced invention (in memory of patrick w., my nephew, may he win in other places) … Rebirth is a dictum of the shallow waves. We mourn the Mudern but we do not mourn it as the splendor of a lost antiquity. We cannot aim to quarrel with a movement, a […]
“This is so much another boring not an N song” the Cathedral-Mother knitting by the fireplace —————-> full version @ the world of worlds further increases the exploding complexity of the world denying its unity (listen for rain falling whenever you come) the self of selves doesn’t add to the dissolving intimacy of the […]
Sondheim – darkfury
“Someone saw the northern god emanations i’m sure.Then the darkfury came and i hurt myself today.Now i walk badly and have difficulty eating.If i fall apart foofwa will rescuse me from the rhone.(But i’ll be in the arve.)”
Karl Pribam in London
holographic xxxxx at SPACE 20th March 7.30pm to 10.30pm entry free “” Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram investigates the Spectral Holographic Domain: in Brain, Navigation and the Universe. Karl Pribram is the leading exponent of a holonomic theory of the human brain backed up by hefty experimental research. All parts contain the story of the whole, with […]
Ziprin Sibling Preview
the cup and saucer in the eye,the drop of butter on my tie,the apathetic ambulance,the method by which wild bees dance,the rock that keeps me underground,the card with which my skull is crowned, the superannuated air, the jug by which my hands evoke, the deluge in the microscope, are all examples of the thing on […]
Alan Sondheim: sb
seen bored …s…c…e…n…e…….g…r…e…e…n… …s…c…e…n…e… …g…r…e…e…n…….g…r…e…e…n……h…t…t…p…:…/…/…w…w…w…….a…s…o…n…d…h…….g…r…e…e…n…….s…c…e…n…e… scene…h…t…t…p…:…/…/…w…w…w…….a…s…o…n…d…h……h…t…t…p…:…/…/…w…w…w…….a…s…o…n…d…h…….g…r…e…e…n… seene…i…m…….o…r…g…/…s…c…r…e…e…n…….j…p…g.….g…r…e…e…n… …g…r…e…e…n… …b…o…r…e…d…….s…c…e…n…e… …g…r…e…e…n… …b…o…a…r…d……h…t…t…p…:…/…/…w…w…w…….a…s…o…n…d…h…scene borede…i…m…….o…r…g…/…s…c…r…e…e…n…….j…p…g.seen bored …g…r…e…e…n… screen seen e…i…m…….o…r…g…/…s…c…r…e…e…n…….j…p…g.….b…o…r…e…d… …g…r…e…e…n… …g…r…e…e…n… …s…c…e…n…e… seen scene e…i…m…….o…r…g…/…s…c…r…e…e…n…….j…p…g.
MUSSCIMUSIC:ENDOEXO-TIC-IA cheapbuchBy Lanny Quarles
March 2006 on -empyre- soft-skinned space: Is Modernity our Antiquity? (for the Documenta 12 Magazine Project)Please join the conversation this month at, with special guestsChristoph Bruno (FR), Erik Kluitenberg (NL), Christiane Paul (US), Dirk Vekemans (BE), and as moderator/guest, Christina McPhee (US) Is Modernity our Antiquity? It is fairly obvious that modernity, or modernity’s fate, exerts a profound influence on […]
Another LQ post
Modag Jargal One A’shivi-shivi-janusuckling abreast the tom-tom-tokamakara cumulous from glen to glen O Danny boy, le freak C’est Sheikwhose Ferrari Sport Utility Vehicle whose rear mounted artillery decibelwhose dish-dashing scimitar language like a rubber robber donut gong in the musical hell of bosch comes like a breath fresh from a lion fish comes like an […]
If you’re anywhere near NY:
Sara Tecchia Roma New York is proud to present PERSONA-PERSONAE, a group show of new work exploring different pathways into both psychological portraiture and the photographic medium. Sara Tecchia Roma New York, 529 West 20th Street, 2nd floor, NYC Media artist CHRISTINA MCPHEE presents large-scale images from her Carrizo-Parkfield Diaries, a meditation on seismic memory […]
graphTing is a way of scratching Cathedral Skin… “….you can save the Tings now. on the server at least, so you need to keep the URL of the show_graphting.jsp, or make a printscreen there. the children love ‘m. here’s one my younger daughter (8) made: so now i need to make her a gallery of […]
Flash 8 sketch of Ilya Kabakov’s Universal System for Depicting Everything New places in the Cathedral – januari 2006 USSR or the Universal System for Social Rehabilitation is a rather cynical piece by dv (the author formerly known as a video format) on the tendency to excessive tagging that the IT-industrie tries to hardcode in […]
Testing the waters, with a poem by Dylan Thomas: ‘My hero bares his nerves My hero bares his nerves along my wristThat rules from wrist to shoulder,Unpacks the head that, like a sleepy ghost,Leans on my mortal ruler,The proud spine spurning turn and twist. And these poor nerves so wired to the skullAche on the […]
A design pattern is a general solution to a common problem in software design. The idea is that the solution gets translated into code, and that the code can be applied in different situations where the problem occurs. Discussion of design patterns started with the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich […]
TIIJA: 06/24/05

MANIK’s Blog. She /they make(s) a lot of noise on the Rhizome Raw list, at times. The work’s quite good.
St Maartensdal, Leuven, 2006-01-09T17:22:09+01:00
Great Britain is now officially working on a database tracking sytem recording all vehicle based transport of its residents. Basically, give it a name and it will tell were that person was 24/7. Starting from next year or so. Year after year. There’s some protest but it’s hardly heard. Anti-terrorism. Doris Lessing wrote this would […]
short essay on the source
XXXI Les tristes Soeurs plaingnoient l’antique offense,Quand au plus doulx serain de nostre vieDesdaing s’esmeut pour honneste deffenceContre l’ardeur de nostre chaste envie:Et l’esperance en long temps poursuyvieNe nous peut lors, tant soit peu, alleger. O vaine foy, ô croire trop leger,Qui vous reçoit se fait son mortel hoste:Pour non povoir ce malheur abreger,Qui le […]
PRRT with [Y-90-DOTA,Tyr3]
PRRT with [Y-90-DOTA,Tyr3]octreotide (Y-90-SMT487, OctreoTher) has potential benefit in patients with somatostatin receptor positive tumors. We investigated whether toxicity (tox), mainly renal and red marrow (RM), and effects on tumor size are different when the total radioactivity (RA) is given in 4 equal cycles (4-cy) or in fewer cycles (cy), but with higher activity per […]
Fiction, absence
The pathetical need for the dogma of unity in creativity, mistaking the creative mind for source of the whole thing: “If you were to ask a writer which is the ‘real book’ – his idea of it, his activity in writing it or its return to himself in power, he would be at loss to […]
Michael Bielicky’s This year in Jerusalem
from the page at the Jewish Museum, Prague: “a live feed from the Robert Guttmann Gallery at the Jewish Museum in Prague. The gallery is currently running Michael Bielický’s installation This Year in Jerusalem, for which purpose it is equipped with a special device to track movement (a motion capture tracking system). The system works […]
An expandable list of tables
part of the sponge at … The neglected table of negligence. The desired table of desire. The indifferent table of indifference. The burning table of Paris. The dying table of death. The sobbing table of sadness. The free table of the people. The itching table of ontology. The female table of gender. The inevitable […]
the way that it works is the way that it works so i must admit i have neglected my regular job for too long again in favour of the Cathedral so now i will have to catch up finn & hookedonancially again so i will not bother anyone too much the next week or so […]
The third of what is beginning to look like a series wants you to use your browsers scroll button to interact with the Flash animation. There’s one animation, consisting of about 40 screenshots from files in the Cathedral played in succession at 25 frames a second. I’ve used a free 24 hour trial period of […]
Mu #2 further expands on the zen koan. This time i’ve gone a a bit into 3d, loading the graphics of the previous version into Maxon’s Cinema 4DXL to build an animation reminiscent of the 9/11 disaster. It’s not very political, though, i just use the event as an illustration of endowing timely constructs with […]
Cathedral offline
With all the excitement of moving to a new house, i clean forgot to renew the DNS registration for It has been renewed now but it will take some time before the account is reactivated.I humbly apologize for my extreme negligence. All pictures here are served from as well, so you won’t be […]
Christmas Deals @ the Cathedral
– please do not touch items on display-
110 automaton coughs up Final Truth
Either this bad cold of mine is making me hallucinate or here’s the Cathedral manifesting itself allegorically while Katherine Hayles is talking about Wolfram’s cellular automata on one of my screens. In both cases Someone must be having a good time making us suffer. Yes, it’s all true what women say about men having a […]
Words and Places
Because of the way that it is being built, the Cathedral isn’t a very user-friendly place. At least not at this moment. People visit it, they are intrigued, wander about the place a bit and mostly leave it in a state near desperation. What is this all about? Where do I start? What do you […]
Moving the Cathedral
In a few hectic weeks we were very busy moving from our old house to our new home in suburbian Kessel-lo. Security was a heavily debated issue when moving this wooden statue of the Cathedral. It’s estimated value is 3.576.156,00 Euro (or American dollars), at least that’s the price i’m selling it for, having no […]
Chroniques du Sacrifice
Chroniques du Sacrifice Tamara Lai’s bilingual Sacrifice Chronicles have moved to The Chronicles are the webzine ofsacrifier le Sacrifice sacrificing , her networked project in progress: a poignant artistic view, both in images animation and text, relating to themes of body, relationships and the position of the artist in our society. Tamara Lai ia […]
What is NAârt – update
NAârt is how i name my art, my method of artistic research. I seriously believe nAârt, or whatever it needs to be called, is rapidly becoming a new, transvergent discipline. Not Art+Science (+…), but a folding of art instances in science instances in art in programming instances…Instances being actualisations of virtualities that have no lack […]
We ‘re very busy decorating our new home,so there’s very little Cathedral time ATM.You can imagine some pictures on tv taking some of the fun out of building your home. Or Cathedrals for that matter.
Time is on your site
While i’m all tied up decorating our new home and trying to live up to all the promises i made to some very nice people, the Cathedral and its Residents are getting very jumpy. The Cathedral-Mother is complaining constantly of lack of Coherence, Clarity and Quality in the Cathedral and that i am largely to […]
Picture of the Cathedral-Mother space as generated by the new version of the Pluggable Cathedral Universe at the East Gate It’s still rather dull and simple but at least it looks a bit ‘right’ conceptually now…
Some items of interest in our pointed space
) Recent article in Scientific American on OOP and post-OOP: A ’traditional’ bridge (?) towards what Jared Tarbell is doing so brilliantly these days: Howard Barnhart at JT Paasch is getting high Cathedral scores in theology and Flash generic programming at Paul Prudence at and and seems a good […]
NKdeE Introduction update
Update to the Starter file at the Cathedral [Written @ the Cathedral:] – I’m trying to build a game here, the Cathedral Game. It’s going to take a long time, because i can only work on it in my spare time. The purpose of the Game is very complicated and mysterious as well as utterly […]
Digital collage(the case for object disoriented programming) by Colin Beardon Interesting overview albeit, imho, with some lacking or insufficient conclusions:– digital collage needs to address the fundamental concepts of computing (OK4dv)– digital objects need to be disruptive (not_entirely_OK4dv: digital _processes_ need to disrupt conceptual objects)– “the Digital Bauhaus needs to be dirty!” (certainly_notOK4dv: it’s another […]