dv FUQ-list: What is nAârt? NAârt is how i name my art or craft. It’s personal, it’s not for sale, but you can use it if you want. It carries a French ‘accent circonflexe’ because it is selfreferential. You are supposed to pronounce it like naaha-aha-aart, in as many risings in your intonation as you […]
Categorie: lyriek
Artlibre.org : Bienvenue
Artlibre.org : Bienvenue voila ce qu’il manque
Santiago Ortiz
SantiagoOrtiz Tremendous work in Sound with Flash by Columbian Artist/programmer Santiago Ortiz Herrera. Be sure to check out the Diorama ‘ESPACIOS DE INFORMACIÓN’ and the visual poetry too. Found it through Jim Andrews, thanks Jim!
Levitated | the Exploration of Computation
Levitated | the Exploration of Computation A huge timesaver: extremely usefull collection of opensource Flash Objects by the amazing Jared Tarbell. The code is pure and robust OOP, so very nice to ‘deconstruct’…
… A note on Sondheim (fading, exploding, fading)… One of the more ambitious stuff going on here is the attempt to formulate answers to analyses like the one from Alan Sondheim below (see http://www.anu.edu.au/english/internet_txt/net4.txt for the complete source text). ‘Answers’ is a bad word, however, it’s more a matter of writing into this kind of […]
“In any net content, but most explicit and visible in commercial content, there’s a strict division between the data and the representation, the business logic and the representational logic. Data that are processed on a commercial website are methodically mapped to instances of representation. Cut up the data into managed objects, make them relate to […]
To Sell or not To Sell
[this mail was sent to Artist Regina Célia Pinto, keepster of Museum of the essential and beyond that at arteonline.arq.br as my contribution to the debate being held there] Dear Regina, The debate you are holding at http://arteonline.arq.br/newsletter/debate.htm touches some very emotional strings in me, so I send you this response, cc-ing it to the […]
What poetry & trees have in common
E-paper displays gaining acceptance – Hardware – www.itnews.com.au E-paper displays gaining acceptance – Hardware – www.itnews.com.au An eager wish for this kinda technology to break through. We do need a comfortable reading experience for digital formats, and in spite of all the fuzz & dotcom booms, we’re still staring our eyes out at these awful […]
Why i don’t put links in my poetry
hyperlink — (a link from a hypertext file to another location or file; typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or icon at a particular location on the screen) => link — 1computing) an instruction that connects one part of a program or an element on a list to another program or list) => […]