het lijden het lijden de dood o de dood het zwerven het zwerven de reis o de reis de aarde de wereld de zee o de zee het wezen het wezen de vrucht o de vrucht herhaal nu met mij het lijden het lijden de dood 1 de dood het zwerven het zwerven de reis […]
Categorie: lyriek
‘PAH World’ is a novel chemical structural model for the formation of prebiotic protoinformational oligomeric materials, presumably ‘upstream’ of something resembling the widely regarded RNA World. The model is based on the self-assembling discoticmesogenic behaviors of polynuclear aromatic compounds, their photochemical edgederivatizations (e.g.,-OH,=O), and the selectivity of such stacked supramolecular scaffolds for the edge-on binding […]
De schrijfsnelheid is op zijn zachtst gezegd vrij laag. In 2005, ruwweg geconverteerd naar een gemeenschappelijk drukvorm, verschenen drie pagina’s en werden enkele passages toegevoegd.
this Bruno guy he’s kinda different him he sayz he’s a sucker for the Real Thing so he don’t cover up his shit but then he’s not deaf to what nature or the gods or fate or whatever is telling him either cause heck if you bring it down to our scale it’s pretty complicated […]
yes but of course its a Component-Integrated ACE ORB at the core of the noise diffusion in Brampton, Ontario starting its synchronisation well past the burning point lipotypically suck-hopping the buzz speed while the Sheperdness is Anchoring Near the Maple Bridge in Night there will be spirals emanating from the tiny spot of ochre but […]
Here are some things i can think of that might be “more controversial” in a discussion of “Liquid narratives” from my admittedly somewhat limited (textual and poetical) perspective: – the introduction of a metaphor to dicuss the use of text in works intended to be rendered on screens should perhaps be valued on its explanatory […]
Randall-Sundrum model – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia warped? we all are…
reading matter
i did something useful for a chance, Alan’s text in a quick design so you can read it properly: http://www.asondheim.org/philosophy/index.html Now please read it properly.dv