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Categorie: lyriek
Keller Krash Allegedly Kaused by Tiredness
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sterilization of the fleeing victim
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Attack of the trees
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No freezan ze pond where Dana plonge dedaign
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Lanny Quarles to Wryting
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Bob BrueckL to Wryting
Heaps of gleaming pipes of vomit: cudgel Razing adder fang, a glazed discharge, grazing ina mire of wands, hiss of dross,bemoaning pangs,heaps of gleaming pipes of vomit flouting hoofs of loins,welts and whelps, salvaged eunuchs suckling spearsin a stalled rage of scabbards,in a disquieting hollow,sore-thrust vapors,maw of balm, armholes in fetters, thwarted victuals,canker-worms winnow me,a […]