
wij vallen wij vallen niet samen het …

niet zeg ik nee maar wij hebben geen keuze zegt ze nee zeg ik in kringen niet dat wij vallen maar wij vallen niet samen het kermt & het galmt als ik je download de kabelsgonzen zo al genoeg. Niet zeg ik hoorbaar het niet aan niet nee niet herhaal ik het doenbuitenissig wij hebben […]


Spinoza flowing through all eight piecesof my living room (here’s) (tonal modes) “Cognitionem unionis quam mens cum tota natura habet” 1. 1 Amending ze traffique de drogues Ending, purposing, fail. We are not the ones.Why did it turn out to be saving and notstoring files, who’s keeping track of these Things? Are You? The regressio […]

lyriek written in English

Spinoza flowing through all eight pieces

Spinoza flowing through all eight pieces of my living room (here’s) (tonal modes) Amending ze traffique de drogues “Cognitionem unionis quam mens cum tota natura habet” Ending, purposing, fail. We are not the ones. Why did it turn out to be saving and not storing files, who’s keeping track of these Things? Are You? The […]


another vague of Michaux (by csperez collected by Bjorn from Up There Somewhere)

Drugs bore us with their paradises. Let them give us a little knowledge instead. This is not a century for paradise. Henri Michaux from A CERTAIN PLUME (Un certain Plume, 1930, with additions in 1936) I. A PEACEFUL MAN Stretching his hands out from the bed, Plume was surprised not to encounter the wall. “Hmm,” […]


fatlather coruscation and frost regrading gatmonster sucksamer axlorelinden goethe spoke of nothing under theseinquiringroman marble places (lamandi) your urkennel love (ablastur) flails eyenigknevin seebraid, takemarker ‘sceen im falldin, tzu flayer mich thryn littleache reprocesses krokkets verbalize herablathesnit thettleyeki


Why keyboards have esc buttons etcetera (4 parts)

BAR UCH BAR (BLL to NOW) “From this point retain what you have experienced in the extension of your limits, and use it in this and all future performances of “Spiral”” Karlheinz Stockhausen, score of Spiral, ed. 1973, Vienna. BLL Topographies of VenusBaruchs quadrant ColorsCast a shadow (50 pixels)Capital One (important n) To be CC […]


De wereld is de wereld is de wereld.

De wereld is de wereld is de wereld. De fictie maakt de fictie die de fictie is. Zonder haar kunnen we de zaak wel opdoeken, het afbollen, alles opfrommelen & wij met het onze de prullenmand in, inclusief de prullenmand. We denken denken wij in dingen gedane zaken die geen keer meer hebben & omdat […]



..o Xxx – xrrxr – xrxx xr2roorr-x2 X – xx xxxx-xx R 2rorr-r 2 R of R LED rxx – rr – – rxx LED — –x-xrxwxx the LED ror -2r 2 rr LED rxxxr X the LED rxx rxr2 the LED W of R – X 22 – ttoo LED rox the LED xo […]


a tune for every body (dating a painting)

there’s a tune for everybody has a tune versus catch the miracle of individuationpaint the miracle of individuationwrite the miracle of individuationfill the miracle of individuation the time is now[dial 1207 – 0.70 cent/sec] serve a pint to those waitingclean up salvaedrop tears #include there is fish for all(grab the fish) quando ip mi gusto: […]

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