vandaag vragen deze drie items om uw aandacht. zij ook al.

vandaag vragen deze drie items om uw aandacht. zij ook al.
in shameful defeat banned and cursed by [those] who stand and cheer [and] spit and ache imprisoned by the emanations of their greed, it toils alone from mourning to mourning silent within feeding on grief denying the light for fear it might sing. upon this, your exposure, it satiates its void with unwelcome need and […]
As if to make her point in one flash moment Anke unfolded her own image seven times within the dome before me, thereby demonstrating that all of time is just an illusion and that reality, if needs be, can be constructed even by hammer and lever, by fysically pounding one’s own will into the fabric […]
[text written today in response to a call by Tamara Lai] ‘Freedom’ for me denotes nothing much else than the sensation of feeling free much like ‘happiness’ may cause a myriad of quite contingent associations, but when you consider it more severely, it actually only ‘really’ denotes the sensation of feeling happy: […]
“On ne peut entreprendre de définir l’être sans tomber dans cette absurdité : car on ne peut définir un mot sans commencer par celui−ci, c’est , soit qu’on l’exprime ou qu’on le sous−entende. Donc pour définir l’être, il faudrait dire c’est , et ainsi employer le mot défini dans la définition.” Blaise Pascal in […]
(schrijfsel volgens de nieuwste constraint op Nuzzled Sentence) FFX! hear da viskals wegewaaien over all! Ier yorwick is fliksing in brightsels. Man had er ingeswimd driewerf da Fuckerde Hoekspleet smack in da verbotzeignuncte Eregnis im beyondkuhes grasses aber Maddy Creambartock and her girlswoons notched up da creep a weebit so out pupped da dogleash in […]