asemisch Grafiek

hommage aan HantaĂŻ

dv 2012 -photoshop bewerking van een asemische inkttekening – 1200 x 1781 pixels

asemisch Grafiek Kathedraalse Leer

doenoeeii – verbigram #3

verbigram #3 dv 2012, bister, burundi soil & ink on paper, A5 (verbigrammata are ideograms recited during ritual services inside the Neu Kathedrale des erotischen Elends. Between brackets the pronunciation of the verbigram is given in NKdeE Schoonschrift)

asemisch Grafiek

postschrifterige letterseks

Post-Literate Letter Auto-Fornication Attempts dv 2012, bister & ink on paper, A5

asemisch Grafiek Kathedraalse Leer Schoonschrift

laspoleii – verbigram #2

verbigram #1 dv 2012, bister, burundi soil & ink on paper, A5 (verbigrammata are ideograms recited during ritual services inside the Neu Kathedrale des erotischen Elends)

asemisch Grafiek Kathedraalse Leer Schoonschrift

bradaii – verbigram #1

verbigram #1 dv 2012, bister, burundi soil & ink on paper, A5 (verbigrammata are ideograms recited during ritual services inside the Neu Kathedrale des erotischen Elends)


Fragments, the ancient lore of Asemia (2)

“Infect [‘sicken’] us with your perforating [’that drills through’] love, o lord” dv 2012, charcoal and pencil on paper, 26Ă—10,6 cm Fragments, the ancient lore of Asemia (7) Fragments, the ancient lore of Asemia (6) Fragments, the ancient lore of Asemia (5) Fragments, the ancient lore of Asemia (4) Fragments, the ancient lore of Asemia […]

asemisch biographics Grafiek Kathedraalse Leer lyriek

spirale lyrique scèvienne

dv 2012, bister & ink on paper, A5


ibpwae pages 1-2, 4

p.1 p.2 p.4 “page 1-2 & 4 from the Illustrated Book of Post-War Asemic Essays” dv 2012, bister and ink on paper, A5 the original book cannot be but priceless, however you will be able to download/buy a printed copy of the work when the time is right for the moment pages are provisionally numbered […]


ibpwae page 3

“page 3 from the Illustrated Book of Post-War Asemic Essays” dv 2012, bister and ink on paper, A5 the original book cannot be but priceless, however you will be able to download/buy a printed copy of the work when the time is right for the moment

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