“Венеция II” dv 2012, collage, A4, not for sale
Categorie: biographics
geschiedenis van de afvallige
“the fall of men” dv 2011, pencil & leaf on paper, A4, 69 euro
alfabyte – Cyrillic с
” Cyrillic с (Unicode 10001000001)” dv 2011, bister and pencil on paper, 40,7 x 4,9cm the alfabyte, a continuation of the NKdeE Schoonschrift, is a series of graphical representations of a selection of Unicode covering most of the Latin and the Cyrillic alphabets. it is being executed in dedication to Velimir Chlebnikov and for the […]
bi-temporal 2
” The Bow of Life, Pointing Towards Death” dv 1999-2011, design (1999) executed with ink & bister (2011) on paper, A5 NOTE: All material residu (garbage) of my painterly activities may be acquired by mailing me at dirk_at_vilt.net. Most scans are fairly accurate as to how these things look like. Please state the delivery address […]
“Asemic Ad for the 2018 Procter & Gamble Tianjin Dance Festival” dv 2011, bister and ink on paper, A4 NOTE: All material residu (garbage) of my painterly activities may be acquired by mailing me at dirk_at_vilt.net. Most scans are fairly accurate as to how these things look like. Please state the delivery address and the […]
” Dying O Rolling Into The Ocean Of Oblivion” dv 2011, bister on paper, A5 NOTE: All material residu (garbage) of my painterly activities may be acquired by mailing me at dirk_at_vilt.net. Most scans are fairly accurate as to how these things look like. Please state the delivery address and the title of the work […]
” Decaying Consonants Looking For Authority Amongst Themselves” dv 2011, bister on paper, A5 NOTE: All material residu (garbage) of my painterly activities may be acquired by mailing me at dirk_at_vilt.net. Most scans are fairly accurate as to how these things look like. Please state the delivery address and the title of the work and/or […]
” Dying Moist Lethargic Entity, Wondering whether it all was Worth While” dv 2011, bister on paper, A5 NOTE: All material residu (garbage) of my painterly activities may be acquired by mailing me at dirk_at_vilt.net. Most scans are fairly accurate as to how these things look like. Please state the delivery address and the title […]