“Someone saw the northern god emanations i’m sure.Then the darkfury came and i hurt myself today.Now i walk badly and have difficulty eating.If i fall apart foofwa will rescuse me from the rhone.(But i’ll be in the arve.)”http://www.asondheim.org/darkfury.mp4
Auteur: NKdeE
NKdeE= Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends, een programma geïnitieerd op 27/09/2004. de NKdeE is een radikaal saneringsprogramma dat de mensheid van het Zijn en de Dingen wil verlossen. LEVE de VRIJE LYRIEK!
Karl Pribam in London
holographic xxxxx at SPACE 20th March 7.30pm to 10.30pm entry free “” Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram investigates the Spectral Holographic Domain: in Brain, Navigation and the Universe. Karl Pribram is the leading exponent of a holonomic theory of the human brain backed up by hefty experimental research. All parts contain the story of the whole, with […]
Ziprin Sibling Preview
the cup and saucer in the eye,the drop of butter on my tie,the apathetic ambulance,the method by which wild bees dance,the rock that keeps me underground,the card with which my skull is crowned, the superannuated air, the jug by which my hands evoke, the deluge in the microscope, are all examples of the thing on […]
Alan Sondheim: sb
seen bored http://www.asondheim.org/screen.jpg …s…c…e…n…e…….g…r…e…e…n… …s…c…e…n…e… …g…r…e…e…n…….g…r…e…e…n……h…t…t…p…:…/…/…w…w…w…….a…s…o…n…d…h…….g…r…e…e…n… http://www.asondheim.org/screen.jpg….s…c…e…n…e… scene…h…t…t…p…:…/…/…w…w…w…….a…s…o…n…d…h……h…t…t…p…:…/…/…w…w…w…….a…s…o…n…d…h…….g…r…e…e…n… seene…i…m…….o…r…g…/…s…c…r…e…e…n…….j…p…g.….g…r…e…e…n… …g…r…e…e…n… …b…o…r…e…d…….s…c…e…n…e… …g…r…e…e…n… …b…o…a…r…d……h…t…t…p…:…/…/…w…w…w…….a…s…o…n…d…h…scene borede…i…m…….o…r…g…/…s…c…r…e…e…n…….j…p…g.seen bored …g…r…e…e…n… screen seen e…i…m…….o…r…g…/…s…c…r…e…e…n…….j…p…g.….b…o…r…e…d… …g…r…e…e…n… …g…r…e…e…n…http://www.asondheim.org/screen.jpg …s…c…e…n…e…http://www.asondheim.org/screen.jpg seen scene e…i…m…….o…r…g…/…s…c…r…e…e…n…….j…p…g.
MUSSCIMUSIC:ENDOEXO-TIC-IA cheapbuchBy Lanny Quarles http://www.phaneronoemikon.org/texts/muSSCIMUSIC.pdf
March 2006 on -empyre- soft-skinned space: Is Modernity our Antiquity? (for the Documenta 12 Magazine Project)Please join the conversation this month at www.subtle.net/empyre, with special guestsChristoph Bruno (FR), Erik Kluitenberg (NL), Christiane Paul (US), Dirk Vekemans (BE), and as moderator/guest, Christina McPhee (US) Is Modernity our Antiquity? It is fairly obvious that modernity, or modernity’s fate, exerts a profound influence on […]
Another LQ post
Modag Jargal One A’shivi-shivi-janusuckling abreast the tom-tom-tokamakara cumulous from glen to glen O Danny boy, le freak C’est Sheikwhose Ferrari Sport Utility Vehicle whose rear mounted artillery decibelwhose dish-dashing scimitar language like a rubber robber donut gong in the musical hell of bosch comes like a breath fresh from a lion fish comes like an […]
If you’re anywhere near NY:
Sara Tecchia Roma New York is proud to present PERSONA-PERSONAE, a group show of new work exploring different pathways into both psychological portraiture and the photographic medium.http://www.saratecchia.com/gallery/current/05_persona_personae/ Sara Tecchia Roma New York, 529 West 20th Street, 2nd floor, NYC Media artist CHRISTINA MCPHEE presents large-scale images from her Carrizo-Parkfield Diaries, a meditation on seismic memory […]
graphTing is a way of scratching Cathedral Skin… “….you can save the Tings now. on the server at least, so you need to keep the URL of the show_graphting.jsp, or make a printscreen there. the children love ‘m. here’s one my younger daughter (8) made:http://www.vilt.net/nkdee/show_graphting.jsp?&id=1139255087604 so now i need to make her a gallery of […]