english english =new english();english.dissolve(); //swirls//swirl//swirl //vortech: while the rhizome virtual community is going haywire in confusion over what to do with ‘artistic’ web applications ‘spamming’ the list with (very) quasi intelligent (read:dumb) automated responses here’s some spam i received lately (from a bank lure and something involving a ring of sorts): “it’s cylinder or lucky […]
Auteur: NKdeE
NKdeE= Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends, een programma geïnitieerd op 27/09/2004. de NKdeE is een radikaal saneringsprogramma dat de mensheid van het Zijn en de Dingen wil verlossen. LEVE de VRIJE LYRIEK!
sugar ray robinson carusosugar ray robinson carusogo to the lonely valley in your woven palm fedora!go and sing the tenor part (of Fedora)while you shadowboxshadow box the Mantuan Muse of MadnessThat Virgilian Anxiousness of tending goats near the oceanwhose thrum and hushcrash and vummBug Jargal a buggy boxer’s cortex suitewhose tools lie oxydizzying in the […]
Bob BrueckL on Wryting 20/03/2006 6:32
In the sphere of irrelevance, yr speech is a permuted locution. My utterances are not utterly algorithmically irrelevant.[window-sill]The squeaking ambiguities are not irrelevant to the permuted acts of utterance.[come anew]The endless ambiguities in your voice are being interpolated.[nasturtium]The algorithmic extraction is being gored in the embedded waves of darkness.[pansy]The extracted inversion is superficially disoriented.[pale eaten […]
HÎ all, http://www.vilt.net/nkdee Suddenly the Cathedral is having a little severely aged savage bourjoy spring rite at it’s doorstep including ‘V is 4 Vessel’, a male only collibri-addiction – 6 lines starting with “i knew a girl once” -thing you’re all welcome to contribute 2 ‘V is 4 Vessel’ using your male mail addresses. You […]
pre-published excerpts by beate z.
Beate Zurwehme : Gender as paradigm f o r i n t e r a c t i v e a n d m e d i a a r t s http://thing-net.de/cms/artikel252.html
Bjorn Magnhildoen @ noemata.net
>http://noemata.net/formlessinterview.txt what is the title of this project? INFORMASJON formless, informe formless art materialisasjon og elektronisk kunst complexity of waste default are there any main art theoretical references? (yve-alain bois rosalind e. krauss) what is the main idea behind the project? georges bataille, informe, as a third, since art theory has been set up as […]
Ana Autobioyinphy
Ana AutobioyinphyIT begins 00:13 PST 1/25/06
Daphne Alla Gory
Daphne Alla Gory, a tree voiced invention (in memory of patrick w., my nephew, may he win in other places) … Rebirth is a dictum of the shallow waves. We mourn the Mudern but we do not mourn it as the splendor of a lost antiquity. We cannot aim to quarrel with a movement, a […]
“This is so much another boring not an N song” the Cathedral-Mother knitting by the fireplace —————-> full version @ http://www.vilt.net/nkdee/nstate.jsp the world of worlds further increases the exploding complexity of the world denying its unity (listen for rain falling whenever you come) the self of selves doesn’t add to the dissolving intimacy of the […]