
Katrina Lessons

Published: April 21, 2006The lessons of Katrina have highlighted two important ways that the country will need to change its disaster relief before the next hurricane season begins in June. The federal government must do a better job of relocating evacuated families into permanent homes in functional communities instead of into hotels and trailer parks. […]


stuff to build with from orga I

my father had a band and he would look sillyon saturdays in a shirt for onceas if once and the band were named the snakes three and i could speak of how i loved the sound of his Hammond organhe played it every night than as ifhe never did nightshifts all the time@ Sidal, Duffel […]


stuff to build with from orga II

“Shee, shee is dead; shee’s dead: when thou knowest this, Thou knowest how poore a trifling thing man is. And learn’st thus much by our Anatomee, The heart being perish’d, [no] part can be free. And that except thou feed (not banquet) on The supernaturall food, Religion. Thy better growth growes whithered, and scant; Be […]


stuff to build with from orga III

sometimes when you are making somethingsomething is making you think thissometimes is more important than others like lighting up three cigarettes quasisimultaneously because you need to be very afraid sometimes being very afraidis making you think all three of them burningbuts of dark orange noname named wordsnooname took picturesnoone reads Donne comments by none is […]


stuff to build with from orga IV

noonamesecond life,with second heart, two facenoonameactually,there2”s no facade,face,,…fa ,secondtogether, nooname, stranger.face…su together and different


stuff to build with from orga V

verse has a nature has a versewhere workers work verse in dark orangefor the verse to occur words by noname writtenfoto’s by nooname takenbasics by Donne doneCathedral by Cathedral-Mother studying the Cathedral comments by 0 comments


nikuko/Alan Sondheim

Commentary and Analysis Please go to: Deconstruction: My Cluttered corner of the dance studio. Cloth, food items, all supine, is yours… in-me the we, is , 011], ? … you is Of interest here, surely, the fresco chalk-like quality of the cornice, here, it’s you? My and every one of us; our stains are […]


Mariana Castro

Mariana Castro


Climate Change Will Be Significant but Not Extreme, Study Predicts

Climate Change Will Be Significant but Not Extreme, Study Predicts Earth will experience significant climate change in the coming century as a result of greenhouse gas buildups, but the more extreme estimates of global warming generated by some studies are unlikely to occur, according to newly published research. ‘This still commits us to quite a […]

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