Een boom in dit huis, uit de vloer vorkt een stam, de daksponten kraken. Je wordt het salon uitgesleurd, men duwt je het bad in, een gezichtsloze vrouw haalt in een oogwenk met een glasscherf van je beide armen de slagaders open. Een gordijn van blauwgrijze lianen wordt over je hoofd getrokken. De scene verwildert. […]
Auteur: NKdeE
NKdeE= Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends, een programma geïnitieerd op 27/09/2004. de NKdeE is een radikaal saneringsprogramma dat de mensheid van het Zijn en de Dingen wil verlossen. LEVE de VRIJE LYRIEK!
What was “Said” in a Pub..
Popular Surrealism, Social Networks, and Poetry, in the Age of Jihad,some unfortunate moments in the aftermath of Dar Al Islam, upon itsname be praise, 26 Rabi` Al-Awwal 1427. What was “Said” in a Pub..
dv, 1989 – collage & watercolours – 9,9×14,4 cm -12.553,00 euro (or dollars) will be varnished at the Inauguration of the Cathedral Scroll News – International – Stalin’s half-man, half-ape super-warriors THE Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered the creation of Planet of the Apes-style warriors by crossing humans with apes, according to recently uncovered secret documents. Moscow archives show that in the mid-1920s Russia’s top animal breeding scientist, Ilya Ivanov, was ordered to turn his skills from […]
The Snaeks
my dad’s band. Later someone studied a bit of english and they were called The Snakes Three. Snaken in Dutch means lads, young fellows. Later still they won a contest and they were called The Golden Snakes Three. Everybody on the picture’s dead, except my father.
A JOB IN THE NEW YORK TIMESA BAND IN THE WEEK HE PLAYED ITA DEAD S IN THE SCANT OF AN ANTA DEED IN THE DONE BY THE NO ONEA NAME IN THE FACE OF THE VERSE DECONSTRUCTION: tora me rota arto m ortaaorta rotor s s toro rotoaara te oro rt tralala (thousand seagulls […]
pro je mis or an ge A dos tluk an dý
ther e no on e ther no sec on d ei ther no on reth e ot hert her is t her is is re th er si t rethoric’s all there is r h et h o r i c s a l l t h e r e i s r g h […]
promise of friends hip
From our recordings dances the all of every we found a pattern dances the all of his records the dances the all of entire of the potential dances the all of during the one of the sites of each of the only the first dance. From our recordings dances potential during the last few hours […]
dostluk andý – the an droits –
From our recordings of every dance performed by each scout bee, we found a pattern of dancing by nest-site scouts that closely resembles what Lindauer reported based on his records of only each scout’s first dance. For example, in a swarm we observed on July 20 to 22, 1997, the entire decision-making process required about […]