charlesmansonpyongyanglullabye-byebaby blacksheep turbotubagondoladrunken apolloin rhododendrons kite fancykairomancy farmingin the silvermandala turnipcircustramp posted by Lanny Quarles to Wryting-L
Auteur: NKdeE
NKdeE= Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends, een programma geïnitieerd op 27/09/2004. de NKdeE is een radikaal saneringsprogramma dat de mensheid van het Zijn en de Dingen wil verlossen. LEVE de VRIJE LYRIEK!
=> abstractor, abstracter — (one who makes abstracts or summarizes information) => alliterator — (a speaker or writer who makes use of alliteration) => authoress — (a woman author) => biographer — (someone who writes an account of a person’s life) => autobiographer — (someone who writes their own biography) => hagiographer, hagiographist, hagiologist — […]
eye sea a windoe and ai wont do paint IT bjack
Random Art Work #1
There is no generator required to make Random Art Work for You.
Public Orange Ltd has a new blog on some issues: “In an uncanny repetition of the copyright struggles that first emerged during the period of Romanticism, the excesses of the capitalist form of intellectual property are opposed, but using its own language and presuppositions. Creative Commons preserves Romanticism’s ideas of originality, creativity and property rights, and similarly […]
pinky czar
text by JP Kervinen, see
On a Sondheim gorge
no-thing, that you engorge me; no-thing, that you engorge me;no-thing, you engorge me,surpassed, as a gorge itselfengorge me; you remember pouring upon you, altitude.greedily i engorge on her, partially hidden by trees by the side of the gorge – while at land, mount, gorge images – god : gorgeaa : gorgeab o : gorgead […]
e and eye art and poetry between the electronic and the visual Led by Penny Florence, Tim Mathews and John Cayley Monday 16 October 2006, 18.30–20.00 Monday 23 October 2006, 18.30–20.00 Monday 30 October 2006, 18.30–20.00 Monday 13 November 2006, 18.30–20.00 Modern art has had a close historical relationship with poetry and performance since its formation. Electronic poetry […]
Herschikkingen (werktitel)
conversaties – Herschikkingen – reconversies (leerstof voor bruidsels, inz. van het type A.V. vanaf versie 1.2) Festschrift n.a.v. de geboortedag van de Kathedraal 2006 Bevattende diverse voorbeelden van / oefeningen op / tests van: restdelingen met beeldplak gegevensverroesting bij contingente mondgaringen geavanceerde zoekfuncties met labiele context reactiesnelheid bij copyrightschendingen slijmuitdrijving in 5-pixelclusters conversaties met ik, […]