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Auteur: NKdeE
NKdeE= Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends, een programma geïnitieerd op 27/09/2004. de NKdeE is een radikaal saneringsprogramma dat de mensheid van het Zijn en de Dingen wil verlossen. LEVE de VRIJE LYRIEK!
BAR UCH BAR (BLL to NOW) “From this point retain what you have experienced in the extension of your limits, and use it in this and all future performances of “Spiral”” Karlheinz Stockhausen, score of Spiral, ed. 1973, Vienna. BLL Topographies of VenusBaruchs quadrant ColorsCast a shadow (50 pixels)Capital One (important n) To be CC […]
a tune for every body (dating a painting)
there’s a tune for everybody has a tune versus catch the miracle of individuationpaint the miracle of individuationwrite the miracle of individuationfill the miracle of individuation the time is now[dial 1207 – 0.70 cent/sec] serve a pint to those waitingclean up salvaedrop tears #include there is fish for all(grab the fish) quando ip mi gusto: […]
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eadless quena emerging in a field of dark orange chocolatterie (detail) T hought is t (he thouGht of thoUght) It’s Not too late.Act now andend the end. 3000 worldsIn a flash w/ aSlight cold Tengu 2‘s sneezingWildly intoa fieldofPink skinnyladimeetsa heavin & aroarin et erna lalal hailé sex- er er Darnwherezthe obsession.getAttribute (irish westernbootstrappedfreakofahoundogtrying to […]
Actually, it’s Het ontoereikende opspannen der invalswegen, which is something different all together
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objective illusion being the area where intensive differenceshave cancelled themselves out selbstverstandlich the thermodynamicequilibrium conceals the virtual ze virt tu all under ze skirt a feunall steut Enter the dragoin. What sayeththe Queeran Eliza-tit-sannick? the empire cometh sayeth she ze poetspoems badaboems then, make no mistake, are ze trajectories thru lexicalladasiacinuitical fields of onneur, she […]