13-6: MD in Golgikleuring (‘ja sorry man, kan ik het verhelpen dat dat boek net vandaag arriveerde’) Kijk goed beste laat me je maar maarten noemen naar hoe de late avondzon in juni huizen aftikt, ramen algulpt, straten uitgleupt & in de botte schermen bij de bomen stulpt (o het spiegeltje!). Later kunnen dus wij […]
Auteur: NKdeE
NKdeE= Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends, een programma geïnitieerd op 27/09/2004. de NKdeE is een radikaal saneringsprogramma dat de mensheid van het Zijn en de Dingen wil verlossen. LEVE de VRIJE LYRIEK!
I am the wateryou are the shipso we are the waves or were we? wheredid we die into this?the gods are stirring things like gods do,thick fingers stirringthick fingers with thick fingersouls.nobody’s bleeding.nothing happens. i making ship youmaking water bothmaking waves. rophumb!
another rant against Being
extesnoi euv El Topoi
ufcurse its only pixels, what’s important here is the fictionsthat create fictions on top of them, as in the Jodorowski filmthe grotesque obscenicety is in the framing of this shot, notin it’s contents which would ‘normally’ only be David Hamiltonnice-to-look-at. i just re-enacted what the framing does, youcan’t show ‘it’ without doing so, it would […]
BVCHT Fireflies now officially do not live up to our expectationsThe world is still highly pregnant with itself. Deliveranceit seems is caught up in dense fabrics of irrigated ethnic jokes, Vomiting egg salads and creamlike isles of volcanic originIn the Boolean sea. These are the reflections of Art on Artin a Time of Global Warming, […]
De boot schommelde het water op
De boot schommelt het water op de lijn, de lijn ligt aan de paal, maar ze gaat elders de dieperik in. De dieren bekvechten wel dier aan dier maar de oogjes kijken pienter, ze staan te drummen om onder bij de koningin in de gunst te komen, die staat beneden in haar veelzonnige wolkjesveld te […]
Ts TS 1,2 er, on a JM foreword:…. Cameron frequently used poms as inspiration e new inspiration öder how to blow into matter so that it flattens, e be photography, Evenly on Emilie. Sir John, dear John whose praise be quoted in euro as in our dolls: Repeat a face while the face throw it […]
Spinoza flowing through all eight piecesof my living room (here’s) (tonal modes) “Cognitionem unionis quam mens cum tota natura habet” 1. 1 Amending ze traffique de drogues Ending, purposing, fail. We are not the ones.Why did it turn out to be saving and notstoring files, who’s keeping track of these Things? Are You? The regressio […]
Drugs bore us with their paradises. Let them give us a little knowledge instead. This is not a century for paradise. Henri Michaux from A CERTAIN PLUME (Un certain Plume, 1930, with additions in 1936) I. A PEACEFUL MAN Stretching his hands out from the bed, Plume was surprised not to encounter the wall. “Hmm,” […]