Netwurker Mez had a nice ‘essay’ using the Twitter interface yesterday.i managed a small pome this morning, the interface isn’t much the thingi’m dying to have a go at. I do recommend the Mez wurk there, Otherwise the thing’s great to try out playing with the temporal shifts , modulating the writing/reading time ratio’s […]
Auteur: NKdeE
NKdeE= Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends, een programma geïnitieerd op 27/09/2004. de NKdeE is een radikaal saneringsprogramma dat de mensheid van het Zijn en de Dingen wil verlossen. LEVE de VRIJE LYRIEK!
How to get a kick out of your floating opera
Almost two years ago, december 2005, i posted a translation of Scève´s dizaine #31 to this blog.Today i returned to it, it made me happy while i had been sad over some trifles as we usually are whenever we come out of a period of feverishly working on something we honestly believe is changing everything […]
Me mais mesm omo raissa raaize rize mesmo MutualMachineBook Actually its not anylonger of a book but a Machine really its not a bookat all it is a kind of machine not quite the idea of a desiremachine which onlyworks when things break down but on the other hand it is a break through ofgenre […]
a room with a view & a mess (for Obododimma)
The Scrapbook Ritual
At this instant my desk is covered with numerous paintings, notes, scriblings, fragments of my ‘geklieder’ of the last ten months or so. “‘Kliederen” is a unique dutch word for making a mess with paint, it’s past particle ‘geklieder’ is all the more remarkable a word because it contains ‘gek’ (mad) and lied(eren) (song(s)). These […]
ELfabet cover
The book called EL The book that is called ELbefore we reach Wezemaal, is the book that is called ELbefore we are in the book that is the book that is calledEL before we reach Wezemaal. IT IS IT IN IT The exit is the exit in the exit.The world is the world in the […]
Gödel on fridays
The sets of all sets isn’t the set of all sets including the set of all sets unless that set is a member of the sets of all sets containing at least one set with a reference to the set of all sets as defined by this sentence.