
De 000 de rr – – – – 5 50t od ort


[ rewriting JP Kervinen’s …. ]

description of the procedure:

“each time

a new post with subject ….
is sent to the Wryting-L list by JP Kervinen

& if i feel like it

i ’translate’ the message using either Altavista Babelfish or Babylon.

Several translation procedures may be applied in a row, e.g. from

English to Dutch to Spanish to Hebrew to English to Russian to English to Dutch

sometimes different versions are kept in this document

sometimes they are all

i try to include the original message, sometimes i forget

sometimes i arrange the results as if they were poems

i always change the font to Verdana

sometimes the results inspire some lines of ideosyncratic verse or a title
that looks like it was generated by a title generating machine

thus an i can be (re)constructed
doing all this, an opus can take


Xxx – xrrxr – xrxx xr2roorr-x2 X – xx xxxx-xx
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the LED rxx rxr2 the LED W of R – X 22 –
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.o2xr—xwdxx xx2 the LED rxx X O R 2-oto
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D ro O T LED xr-ooorr R LED X-ray – X-ray 2
O T LED xxxoorrr LED xr the LED oxrd D R 0
.4.2 T 4 the tt X xoorr X rr – xo LED rr LED
r-wrdadxr the LED rt LED oooooo O – oto 2
R – xxrr T R of xxwrrx-2xrxx 2.oor has roor
R r-r xwrrrx-2x-xx – xrd dx-2 – xx-x LED ro


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X-ray X the LED R xrrrrrdmc the 2 LED rr 4
rr – rtotor LED xr 22 – xxt xrwwwrdamcx- t


he LED rxx-rrwx LED oootttr LED rr 444 – xw
wrrdamcw LED X-ray 2 rxxx-xxrx2.o rr LED
wwrrdamcxr – – xxx O LED rrxxrx – ddrwxxr
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r 4 rr – rtotor LED xr 22 – xxt xrwwwrdamcx
-2 LED rxx-rrwx LED oootttr LED rr 444 – xw
wrrdamcw LED X-ray 2 rxxx-xxrx2.o rr LED
wwrrdamcxr – – xxx O LED rrxxrx – ddrwxxr L
ED wxxr-rrr-r LED rxr-xx LED xr r-xx2rrror 2
– rwxxxrxx of R X – ddrwwrdamix-2 xx x-2r t
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R X LED rr R x-2 T 2rx-xx the LED rwrxxxx-w
x——-rdrrwwwwri R x-2 O T T – rdrwxxrxd


aw the xx LED rr LED xrrwrrxxxrx LED X-ray O
O O – X – rrr X LED X-ray LED x-xx-rxxrr-rxrr-
rrr LED rrr-rxxx the LED rrx R xx O R LED xrxr
wrrrrxr LED drx-rrxwxrxrrx the LED O2 the LED
xxxtr R the LED rxr LED wr LED xdrx-xrwrwrr
r—xrdrxrr-xd ott2 – orw xxxxx rr the LED alta
voz – – rawr LED X-ray X LED rr R – x-r LED x
-r the LED xxxx-xwxr LED R drxxxxxxr LED rwr
x-222 2





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oorott t tot

oo ooooto t oo o t t

ox r v t

ror r or rrr root tt

oro o oo ttor t t to

t ott t t

too o

[kervinen 13/03]

T t t oche oche 9 oche 4

N oche 16t 0 Orn oche 4

oche 0 6 ott 4 ot otT oo

rott vroeg oo ooooto t o

o oche t t os r v t r ro

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t oro och oo ttor t t t

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o oche oche ttt 7 oche m

t T tzee oche oche 13 nOr

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ardner de wortel de uurl s

eff T t t oche oche 9 torr

o 000 o rr—- 5 50t o ort o
tr o r-r–t00o 5o – rot tt
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r oo o to o Ma o trooo oo
ro to r 5 0050 to 5 0 – -r- 1ro
r 3 oor 3 03 5 r 5515 M0 1o o
rt o oy r 5 o r -r– ot
o aM ttt M 0 t –r—1oo
rt 30 o a r- r orrrr—
MaM0 M 0 — – 1rrt
yy y3 0 t 03 -r or tooottt
yy y3 r a r1to t t t
y yay 5 3 o 0 tt oootooooooooo
aaMMM aaMM 503 0 r ttooor roorr
aMaMMyyayMM y r r otr rooorr
M MMayMay yy r rr r rrrro 11
33000Myyyyyay 33335o ot too1
0 aayaa 30 o oo r t o too or
30033 3305 rotorrr t roorro o
5303MMM 3 MM 300 trtttoorr t roo o

[kervinen 17/03]

De 000 de rr – – – – 5 50t od ort
tr de r-r –t00o 5o – tt di wretch
eds 3 tt od de 1 de 0ooo1 – – – –
– entrambi ro r oo de de Bescha

digde de ro di oo di trooo r 5, 00
50 naar 5 0 – – r – 1ro r 3 de inco
rna 3 03 5 r 5515 M0s 1o de rt o
d oy, r 5 r – R –ot de È M di ttt 0

t –r – – – 1oo rt 30 DE R – r orrrr
– – – Mam0 M 0 – – – 1rrt Yy y3 r
vn r1to t t t y yay 5 3 de 0 oootoo
ooooooo di tt Aammm Aamm 503
0 roorr di ttooor di r AMAMMYY
AYMM y r M di rooorr di otr di r
lo yy di MMAYMAY r rr r rrrro 1
1 33000myyyyyay 33335o too1
di ot 0 de

[Dutch version ]

The 000 the rr – – – – 5 50t od ort
tr the r-r –t00o 5o – tt di wretch
eds 3 tt od the 1 the 0ooo1 – – – –
– entrambi ro r oo the Bad the ro

di oo di trooo r 5, 0050 to 5 0 – –
r – 1ro r 3 the incorna 3 03 5 r 55
15 M0s 1o the rt od oy, r 5 r – R
–Ot the È M di ttt 0 t –r – – – 1o

o Rt 30 THE R – r orrrr – – – Mam
0 M 0 – – – 1rrt Yy y3 r un r1to t t
t y yay 5 3 the 0 oootooooooooo
di tt Aammm Aamm 503 0 roorr
di ttooor di r AMAMMYYAYMM
y r M di rooorr di otr di r lo yy
di MMAYMAY r rr r rrrro 11 330


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[kervinen1/03/2007 4:19]

Nosotros Nospah Colon;; HzKsq

AD acta:;;;;;;; Zksg’colon Nospah;;
8usdu (;;;: (8 (Zksg’colon Nospah;;
:/H8qus plus AD acta:;;;;;;; Zksg’c
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(Zksg’colon Nospah;;;;;;;?D: A. L.$.
) 8;;;;: (Hzksg’colon Nospah Zksg’c
olon Nospah; Hzksg’colon Nospah; (S
. K. K.) That your 44′ q (Hzksg’colon
Nospah;;;;;;;;; With) $ O. D. (;;;;;;

Hzksg’colon Nospah;; Hzksg’colon No
spah: (Nosotros` s: 338 Aasas$ x ( ;

; ; (Nos Nospah Colon Nos Otros Nos)

AddTuesday, 1 May, 2007 8:12:24 PM

crown bar bush bar upswing stretch pharmacologist camber
shrewdness slavery deportment stenography slavery stenography
slavery stenography camber reissue intimately uppermost
cranky cordial roadside feral roadside pharmacologist roadside

pharmacologist ermine slow motion uppermost cranky riotous

cordial roadside feral pharmacologist roadside minus sign

roadside minus sign riotous truck minus sign feral roadside
anachronistic birch stay birch syrup self-control artistry

cheerlessly soft-boiled derogate slow motion soft-boiled
misplace venture familiarize chuckhole gobbler brittleness
rudder stay coal cane weakly cane orator munch orator familiarize

scantily familiarize form minuend prophetess adamant

avail flop mynah



rustic outhouse noon dowse noon anachronistic concurrence
birch weakly camber shrewdness birch concurrence anachronistic
rudder anachronistic concurrence birch rustic

Altavista Babelfish: English->italian->french->Greek->English

e the superior part bars the bush of bar of extension
of repassje pharmacologist of arch of shrewdness slavery
behavior of stenography slavery stenography slavery
stenography arch of new publication tro’hjsma of street

of selvaggio pharmacologist of trohj’smatos of his street
that is raised trohj’smatos of cordiale street of cranky closely

pharmacologist of ermine movement riotous cranky
argon uppermost tro’hjsma of street of selvaggio
pharmacologist of trohj’smatos of cordiale street

minus the signal

tro’hjsma of street minus the lorry of riotous signal
minus of artistry anachronistic koyloyrja’smatos of
syrup of birch of her eve of her birch of him trohj’smatos of him street
of selvaggio him signal argon cheerlessly morbido-bollito

derogate morbido-bollito ripone familial villain
cane of coal of eve of timon fragility gobbler
anjsopedw’nw lightly the dog your orator

munch orator I return familial insufficient I return

familial prophetess minuend form risoluto I

serve the mynah

that wakes up pa’tagos hcnuh prophetess birch of anachronistic agreement
of outhouse midday of midday rustic dowse I shape arch lightly the birch

of anachronistic agreement of timon anachronistic agreement

of birch shrewdness rustic

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