=> excellent introduction to “The Hunt” including David Jones‘ own sublime reading of the poem on Bebrowed’s Blog
=> there’s a 1998 academic (?) book on ‘The Hunt’ published on The Is Press, a publisher i can’t find no further factual trace off, so notwithstanding the general neglect, some obnoxious bookworms apparently somehow stuck to the blooded root of the stem, sucked up their pains of shared disregard and gladly leeched upon the sour sors source with all of its spiteful esses spilling splitting and lispingly lipsing and carving their lips but softening them hisses with strong bloody rows of sorrows, and even then, even then even some sum somme summoned outstanding guilts gildes giles and piles of those and even their own bitter scores and timely evade the sharpest blades of their merciless fates, even it somewhat and somehow (Dutch: ‘geen heffen maar effen en even’) and some never.
=> this book appears to be written by David Annwn Jones (see ‘Annwn‘ pronunciation and Welsh resonance, ‘Jones’ as well as ‘David’ are extremely common names in that part of the Cloud, so no) an Anglo-Welsh poet, critic, teacher, playwright and magic lanternist who is now poking in my pockets like a madman knowing VERY WELL there’s NO budget WHATSOEVER, so please please Dave knock it off will you or just send us the darn books and we will be reading from them on our renowned Programme de la Muse Tombée dans Une Meillieure Avril, Dedju aka RADIO KLEBNIKOV..
=> i do need me to walk the dog today, i promised myself.