Ouy, & non aux Caestes contendantz Par maintz assaultz alternatifz s'assaillent: Tous deux a fin de leur gloyre tendantz En mon cerveau efforcément travaillent. Et nonobstant, que bien peu, ou rien vaillent Si longz effortz sans rien determiner, Si sens je en moy de peu a peu miner Et la memoyre, & le sens tout confus: D'ailleurs l'ardeur, comme eulx, ne peult finer : Ainsi je suis plus mal, qu'oncques ne fus.
samenvatting: ‘Ja’ en ‘Neen’, gepersonifieerd en staande voor Liefde en Rede bevechten elkaar zonder enig resultaat te bereiken. na de ferme beslissing in D179 (” Fuyant Amour, je suyvrai la Raison” – “van de Liefde vluchtend zal ik de Rede volgen”) keert de ik-figuur terug van de retoriek in zijn voornemens tot de realiteit waarin hij geklemd blijft in het dilemma.
l.1 – Caestes: de met ijzer versterkte handschoenen waarmee Romeinse ‘atleten’ vochten
letterlijke vertaling
Ja, en neen die elkaar met Caestes bekampen
vallen elkaar aan met vele wisselende aanvallen:
allebei streven ze hun glorie na
terwijl ze mijn hersenen met al hun kracht bewerken.
En [dat] niettegenstaande – die echt weinig of niet golden (niets waard waren) –
die lange inspanningen zonder iets te beslissen
zo voel ik in mij beetje bij beetje minderen
zowel het geheugen als de geheel verwarde zinnen (zintuigen);
de gloed (het vuur, het branden) kent evenmin als zij een einde (kan niet stoppen)
en zo ben ik meer ziek (‘mal’: er slecht aan toe, lijdende (aan een kwaal)) dan er ooit iemand was.
i tjing hexagram
hexagram 37 – 家人 (jiā rén) – “Huishouden”
JIA REN (家人) – “Jaa Ren” – familie, verwanten – “de Jaa Ren clan”
NKdeE tarot

(i’m searching for a suitable coloring chain of batched actions in Photoshop, looking for a sober consistent look and feel for the cards.
this one uses the P’TiX standard routine and added another of the Neural filters, Adobe’s take on using AI in the program. these Neural things do make one feel like a silly human, only good to make a silly human choice between the countless possibilities being offered.
all of those filters accidentally create what is known as ‘digital artefacts’. professional designers dread these side-effects, for they show that the image ‘is not real’. i absolutely adore them, so i generate them on purpose.
have a look at this detail from the above card, a cameo of the bloke with the pencil:

i watched this with one eye and three ears.
the other eye was managing me doing the dishes and other household chores.
the third ear, in fact, belongs to the tiny softness of Bill Gates, because i was forcing his Word app to S2T the spoken French in the movie in English. below you’ll find both the generated text and a recording i made having two of the wonderful synthetic tiny soft non-people read some fragments to my ROTMUZIEK piece ’25’
generated text
Sigmund Fried
electric analogies along the borderlines of madness
[text generated by forcing MS Word to ‘recognize’ the French spoken in “La clinique psychiatrique de La Borde (1971)” in English. I present it as such, with some minor editing only in the first three paragraphs to get the reader going. As you can see, the title was a present from the Microsoft app. many thanks, Bill]
La Maladie motel party dressed word long year legacy television slapper DFU Peugeot activist doesn’t do society. Lipstick Yard row, jonty’s poo cylinder near acrid alarm. Now I can see you, soon.
It will. don’t publish civil or a new ultra new a new. Laugh a little, see how fit the Cbd’s. Assume all associated with my energy, food row, visa plus. Large, classic or normal? Arizona. Very go, Cilliers, Lafoley, Barack down, Bush, abrigael few. Little more. Say that only pub crawl, filming model, FMV, Gabbana criminal immediately remove Suvari member. He said something on cat like that, 50 should have all said Pennell Liberal or Shane Lee Food Party.
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Julio. On the whole of any anti Depeche Nikos that air formula push. Just going past LeBron. Well, yeah. Football party? Never. In any other product, sorry. I did this on supported pound, he added. Where? Where are you Activision? In column quite. Cinema time acquire mad character yet? But it could choose imagined development caricatures. He say Papa crashers. Honda mini. And you would wouldn’t camera. Older table because I meant by the way the succubus said missile. Just provided. Russian Navy blue sounds that we put on milk. The Puma. Puzzle. How long? I know when it is set. The persons when you see the person air represent a large eventide troops chic the Super prison tale of your scene eligibility girlfriend. Majority position Aeroview department will put it party dollar Asian Parisian Lackey nickname Parish left her scared the Serennu Viviana Secureity social keep a Otter if minimum hospitalisation Republican area now list. Along Dot recipe two of icy local liquid official. 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Ask if you want food on Villa. Look my face to complete woman add below recently found veritable Markham and Carbon. When I come in this folder, please also nominate. Yeah, yeah. Do you? The big little justice in Washington in Devils Pass and blocking the longest there’s ample. Yeah. And probably that Melanie C long capacity. Eat it now. We can no longer. Only the students it is under no cell. Most episode one. A lot more family buys only when table still there with the other little this morning will be more farmer control panel, porno, dozer, earpiece tapping on the man. It’s completely up that board. The only proper lap whilst after you put in Monday I window transpiration. Nothing. Clinic divisions word are in a year. Not fat. Or silly boy, how far is silly? But we are not your thing. Say. Probably casual and be honest. What makes sense right now? He followed his action on eBay. CM of an element. Northern food order. No square medicament Polly weekend right now. Tomorrow I’ll miss you already to tell your place is a more or CPC subscript previous speakers. I let new function area. Dominant. Do you like remove functionary is acute difference in London? The functionality on. Class 72nd edition by example. Becca. Do not cover causes him in police deepali problem. Possible get well. You know the mum, would you say PC Plus your name only Turks or Nouvelle Consumer? Would it still be weird without someone? Shocking TV do backwards without rejecting the pyjama defeat personnel more DJ Chile as a proper structure under foot. Ilkley collective Napish popular complete message sorted it in air personnel Potato preview. It fully holiday Hong Kong from multiple partial grappenhall transportee effectively souvenir daughter accord presumably previous create a system or the reconnaissance trip personnel Jenry Elementary club security app institutional. Defending the model and stone. Secret Europeans do Chanel folk were asking too soon L. SSS development this Korean, dear baskets. Is on previous conducted a disaster to show? She said. I’m looking for high prices. A basket. Feature the message this tablet Seattle Contraire on clear conveyed via penalty area than it abysmal Computershare yes, and italics more collective. Repeat after a clinic. In food destitution, so this is it. Emphasis used institutionally. That missile CPC cities eBay series with Messi, Neymar, Anteriormente, Instructure fix. Pull up on the exam today. Cuisine coming crazy and kicking this shit on morphine organisations here. Yes, or worker that down. In the machinist edition and that he could imagine participate who committed in new row United. FL is well. Butt hole more and I tell your member accusing that operators cheque for sentence in new van sticker shock is form. Caps every contour control until Emma processes this institutional confirmed execute therapies is a taxi modification. 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Kiss Kiss is metal. Suck my dog. Before come on step, I thought she. If you have. Etretat she. I don’t wanna have to shit do only after she fell after ship if a bubble ship for publishing. If you don’t, unbold question off today. City will savian. It was a very long shooting and KPI tile. Stella born. No. Salaam. No. Classical studies on moments after promotion in baseball things are not is this guitar is the is this key immeasurables. Mum. Emotionally previous super. Previous above felonies are not emergency social that member member Nephilim designer play. Is unknown according to the so magical should be possible. This is another reason party to celebrate. The pain of images he did you pass it you will need. Stop it here. Really good. So made-up. I love to travel. Hello you C master not no video. Justin is diversion dependency. I work. Monocle Tomato last Celine senior. Because it’s amazing. Set boobs. Will you tell? Google. Never US awkward. Number. But. Well. Cat, monkey. So it is easy on Emmanuelle this one, Neil Pearson, Keygen limited, camel illiterate, Morcom word, Electro shock, leslyn, genre, Holyoke and wrapping your security bettered. Oh, I say you can opinions only. Fair. Philip secretly. Quack on this book, John? Size 2. She conceals Thai complex. Nicki Minaj nude. Metal is enough. Exit so impractical. Extraordinary dancer impression. Do the jockey, VN. Persevere, Sweeney. Who? Increase the desire. Consultation extent can speak to resist you. He couldn’t be sure if I do, do they wanna database the decisional that? The work we are doing my a computer well. Portrait. Please continue with Viva. Deeper here, deputy. Choosing is a promoter. The doctor made the cited. It is fundamental that choir is wanted. Defective passenger act definitive. Cheque Walker. Religion to material Maria realities were sitting on conditions, cell intracity. Distance create problem is when Peugeot exist. Jean right twelve were shoes can certainly sleep on Cydia partition polishing disc parajuli universe from with. Which shows just a point. After Dictate said left Leicester City finish in apparent prejudice, amply Sheehan to the problem delete. Perfect yourself within, not complicate on you said we could pass clear to the left executive from people with some possessions, their shows and positions. Just really to question. Methane more videos on the missile again word heater she lame insert your emotional scene making fun with. I won’t be on Freeview. I get played. Zoom somebody to learn better with valuation. ABC News and that food goes yourself O polymetal Switcher The colour yellow. Extra pleasure, though, can boost you can. Gambia. To refuse La Modella stables US surface. Surgery shampoo. So she’s Monday. Makes us have yen. Add a limit. Lovely or? Only two? Did something on the order to easy Azure that AC made power bar last two because just. The sequel. Any. Canicula, Santana Perrie, you Gentilly, hurtful marquee. Shampoo. Special from Centurion Bikini I tell idea. Again, Felicia. Biggie skin, not Dewey. If you really. Is something out for sale? Maybe the shores of initials, bitch. We will sleep at Chartiers view aren’t that don’t from pqi to shock and still love. The views of the year then? At this Junior Pennsylvania based dealer, insert anything either. I still had died to only do last summer with the abuse you any and there. The accident. List washy. The video for me. Is the nicest thing. Insert buskey. You know there’s nothing between you. For his own, these appear to italics. Full last name Barrier Reef. Prove on. Yes, Sir, you see it. But yeah. Diet Monday. For me it is so. For the column, Mr Kissinger Fatburger separation. Well. I mean. To quick enough add value. Looking for Andrew having values was good. No. Political and bias. Buy a commercial. For example if you this film commit. So we figured this well on target, so design better years required. Signific, but thank you Maj Kumble person, another chemist said she miss unpacking, certainly. And power. Power problems. I. To complex video. Which grow contracted food over here. Made for Silver cat burger. We. Put Italians give you Balia. Value. Yeah, I see the value. Fair killer. Oh yeah. A young man been or married. Add more A2 page Angela fishy Viva like 12 passengers with you smoking the alices. MMM naughty Monkey E Sheen. Yellow pussy okay kiss kiss yeah wish U S right elbow piece of Lizzie is also. Around to pick a. Magnifico 9 Adele commands can I am boot commands? Cheaper and care about here. Limit should be untreated antlers on DVD and some Tele mini. Measure the second DVD S on especially. Proposal to propose opinion. I understand it. Start CD DVD the situation politically, socially, therefore the production remove the theoretical no. And test it was under MLAT measure prosper. Pastor. Example must pass cassette simply feel pity programme. Celebrity years. Should look at Michelle. It can find food, sciska silliness and socially kiska silliness and individual. What was your pass, ketlatla? Reality, objective and sons? Since selfish confronted reality font asthmatic previous. Just ignore it. Songs Jimmy’s on sending parole. It is in support of Renault’s Regency passing revolution. Wilsons cell still poor, AFL Saltire considerably come to experience. And put this from the political donated more than one way, yeah. Willa. Boo. A Sissy getting. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, maxi. Projects, it said. What? Undo conceptualization. Assume that the criteria Hong Kong. Hey down. That sounds good. Catch you gotta see. I’m pretty good coming back. Critic now do system comedy. State media. The two litre LS3 disc is present in the existence. And vegetables individualised matter, I think. Indie Marshall aching. Existence. If you could let Italian viewing party crap psychiatry Cooper hope list. I said sit down. Smith. I discovered this birthday. She didn’t. Ash, Andy Bond, ashbi scare. They put the bins. I don’t show it. People did not very to see if they book. Chippa this possibly Ben sentence. He is boxing for the left. Yeah.
New Costa example. You can let me stress young all trend is evidence ASCII developed the situation never attic a poo taboo in efficacy tipsy quote Arabic playground Group C code from hotel prison charge In Costa Tactical appearing tribunal news, appositeness young classical fare charge, Maastricht eurologist, you like material sector? Jisse iconic more labour secretary pick dotre sector. Jenry. Scheduled laps equal terapia, status, canal, necesita, organizacion, traditional is reality, real collective, a big degree, Dr Duterte reverts as his team dressed in collective the certain sector. But I can get dinner. Hi do you row Saturday block? Trade. Special. Fabulous fishery ocean. I don’t. I’m working on your festival is here, he’s here, said. You. Undo longer. Ownership. Lager eejit from previous speaker here. Assistant budget politician? Look at. She can cook it that doesn’t. Still with that legacy planning organisation undercover? Hello Kia, greasy. Mitsi gallimore. The foundation she technique for function. More limits on or off. Clear promises he adopted. Amid sacrament. Your national support. Smoke is every that punks young than a Chevy personnel that plenty captured. Should you feel so negative? Can you use a Missouri? About it doesn’t really. Global Share City Swan City New Year at all. Sassy pursuit on small. Go shows the trail. 8 for the gap filler New Year I feel he bags on CCPs sue to Fakenham. New year, mashallah. Imagine if in March alone portion. I have a year to ever happen, Madam. Ignore. Insert. I got this to shepherd on piste. Stacey has since. Well, I shared. Kiss, kiss. Mean diplomacy. Younglady. Fear of the salary. Look if you see. Thank you. Yeah, that was obvious visual. The effective Monday. Shall I order? Holy shit. Dirty tribal resume of ours. Measure poskus. Yeah, increase my gonna meet. Oscars is sweet job going to make a new week, so keep their distraught this Saturday. Problem. All about unique. Commissioner, economy clear, Commission restaurant. Upper cheeks. Haha. Tree about it all about 1:40. Lovely. Shopping is the way you do like this problem hello Cancel Turkey so. Supremely fit today exist. They hope the discs shocks Amanda Sunday radio, the group the group said that the other last summer, Dementor Bynum son Matthew. Says he posed a public Plaza. Group. Structuring became soft. Kill prisoners? Well, hopefully more, asked Donna Collective. Getting your. Kiss off cuisine sabali memc apparel L cervical column agility departments involved from Asia for a crazy unity Jolie. It really goes rebel. How much is? Ask him. How many shut up today? Stop. This is the kind of fun. In a trance parliament who developed often static, they bought over the jet fork in road funding. An element last bits of premier list. On the concept to. Dragonite Sam, professor to Milwa and Flanders Technology and innovation were happy with Richmond. Camera.
- Liverpool. Blaster several months ago, e-mail add. This track. Amazon prime. Family your phobia may. Slot newsam. A great advantage. Register and one hopes create something vertical. How the end very crude. I understand last e-mail uniform. Isn’t tripled over individual, political, social and PK indent over the September for clearing of row Sadler moment he downwards over Outers denoted woman cell for open motor circle. €150 million mineral dark Daisy Crisis NI baby steer isn’t and ripple open hate plots he can. The Kingdom that never made it better be controlled at me Volune neighbourhood he had new folder plus McKinney clear decrease across the club. Hopefully he. Kid pissed and Twitter account regionally are still exists is in hiding right David on the hearts mostly contain or discuss your attitude of the movie. Slut and Christian. Boots. The club. In this tax year proposal, it gets you out there, Jeff people. So they from the fair, Fair Calcasieu questionnaire, no. Remove John’s been watching the mentalist that’s why I didn’t get it, but it’s not working. I don’t want no. Remind John Smith yesterday, yeah. Upper weekend status the left over the September clearing to the corner unit above. Did you like the gatehouse ecstasy also present?