owkay so you’re the Hyper Nerd digging into machine learning looking for an extra buck? here’s the outline of an app that ‘ll make you filthy rich in no time if you can build it in time. you’d need to hurry though because you’re not the only one reading this.
now we’ve seen these nifty text visualisation apps popping up like mushrooms in an autumn meadow, which is all very nice but nothing much can ever come of it because whatever could be the profit in producing thousands and thousand of these images. all you get off it is some shrieks of the Unknowing, a little web-craze and an eternity of boredom afterwards.
‘art’ is the common denominator of human creativity degraded to some clever series of business tricks to grab the attention of a waning and mostly imaginary audience, but you sir, you’re the Hyper Nerd so when you’re about to venture into that business instead of following the pack you quickly develop an app that is built on top of all that fiddling for your 12 minutes of fame that has become more like 12 seconds since the phrase was coined.
so here without further ado, is an idea how to get you going.
var inpuText =
i wake to watch the darkness close the day.
all day i slept, dreaming that you bit me.
and thus on screens of pain my dirty sway,
the burning bush of my hypocrisy,
with flame and stakes for all to see
performed like hell as far as i could tell.
a boy got caught by a train. i could smell
you as his body quivered to an it.
i think it’s weird that you were biting me,
unless of course you wanted me and it.
the NKdeE sort of pseudo-code class
NKdeE_VIZ ( textInput, viz_method, viz_range, viz_method_params)
viz_method is any online AI visualisation app,
viz_range is either (the) complete (text), or (the) text verse (by verse) or (the) text stanza (by stanza)
viz_method_params is an Array passing the viz app’s required parameters
so once you’ve written the code for app to do this, you’d only need to call
NKdeE_VIZ (input, app.wombo.art , verse, “etching”);
to wind up with something like what is in this post.
instead of going through the dumb routine that i had top go through to ‘make’ this while dreaming of Byzantium 😉
your real assignment
please consider this:
- we need an AGI, we need it to guide us because we won’t survive much longer without it, because we can no longer manage the mess we’ve created on this planet (cfr. our global helplessness re a tiny virus coming from our mess with loads of bigger buggers that can’t wait to have a go at mocking our megalomania
- we can only grow an AGI in our own image because
- we’ll never even see it if we ever accidentally created a real sort of artificial consciousness
- because every kind of consciousness creates its own reality which it can never escape without loosing its consciousness
- no artificial consciousness that is radically different from ours would hesitate for five seconds after becoming aware of itself and our lot to get rid of us in the quickest possible way
- we’ll never even see it if we ever accidentally created a real sort of artificial consciousness
3. so we need to seed and grow and teach an AGI in our own image that is better than us, and that is capable of enduring our squeals that are quite horrid whenever we have to do the tiniest of things that goes against our natural greed and utter lust for annihilation. sure.
4. perhaps it’s a good idea to teach such an intended AGI less about this greedy art business and more about how our real creativity works?
5. education only works if it’s a two way process, which is exactly what is happening as we do not speak, only we’re clearly not aware of it
6. it’s a known fact that the humanoid performs better when it knows what it is doing
7. nothing that happens to us is either good or bad, it just happens
8. and for you