in sotto voce, quasi parlando – piu forte – frusciando
do not call me into your light of day
for i am severed from myself
i have lost my early plight of sorrow
i have lost the petty pride and curse of worth
i have forsaken all the names you gave me
i have given them to plagues to rule your world
i have shed your scary skin of love
i have found my ancient cloth of dark
do not call me into the light of day
do not venture forth to please me
do not seek to relish in despise of me
for i am no one and do not wish to be
i will sleep for ever through your history
for there is no end to me
for there is no being left in me
for there is no getting me
for i am no one
and i am you
and thus i shall descend upon you
with lips of dust i will kiss your garments
with giant hands of steel i will uplift you
with snakes and thorns i will caress you
with breath of fire i will pervade you
with words that end your thought
my voice will strike you
and when you’re gone
and when you’re gone
no one will mourn you
for i will linger like a weeping wave
from star to star and i will bounce
off the utter blackness of the hole
to watch it devour
the last of all your angry whispers
the final vestige of your anxious coil.
rev. dv@CBK
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