listen to RADIO KLEBNIKOV’s reading of Olchar E. Lindsann’s “per Spective“:
the text by Olchar E. Lindsann:
per Spective
“hen spirits turn themselves
away they become invisible but the hells
are not seen be”
– Swedenborg, Heaven and Hell
“joyments of Genius, which to Angels
look like torment and insanity, I coll”
– Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
specula utopium:
spirintversion turneth versus
corneal empathy gauze, re-
turns to distal in the moongloam: verses
in jambment of the pneuma gleam: o
sulphur smear of breath fume glass
spear it help as monitor
sight of de, molition psyche ,Dis
solution pit, pan-
opticon upon
it featherstorm in swivels drill
subjective retina ô collander of angels
flameblood cataract honey beam stigmatatism
vertiginous plasm callibrator, up
ward tumblers, worm-
holes trembling divinely, limb
from ape torn limb purse, pective
brain bath vegetative
ô memorable fumage choir, arck of
texture of refractive optic sin:
brief-gleam in the