while rzepka {
genomen talkies unbounces
craftier carries holenmensen
make vans no war ye fake men
Ze pond never freezes sayzes
Breekstem Yo!Nathan the Richman
cheezepickking fur Mrs Morgan
herdominoemena curls inward
breastshaken organelles meantime
outfountaining thus hyprahomunculatically
unparallelled ekstatisch zoals wanneer ons
simonneke die weer last heeft
van opgeblazen tettekens asin asin o O
how satkayadrsti of you
visch visch witte visch die nog
steeds de visch van Burssens is
it outtittrices some titanics
filled with leaking wildebeests init
beats sextexting anytime new Y time
Y while rizen while
U about me while
home while
post me new i i
Do not blog us into ten tations
but lead us from deadleather
Zoa to Asterhoiza
Imummy Aculata
eck eat us Likewe knack thee
du meister
heart herds
drive them dickwoods harder
into oblivion you buggars drive
see also http://notfrog.blogspot.com/2007/01/after-vekemans.html
Life iZ darn
ain’t it