
Randall-Sundrum model – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Randall-Sundrum model – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia warped? we all are…


reading matter

i did something useful for a chance, Alan’s text in a quick design so you can read it properly: Now please read it properly.dv


Kill Them All (i guess he’s too Senseo to post it himself: Herr von Phaneronoemikon’s True Nature Revealed)

Kill Them All and Let Strange Un-P.C. Alien Beasts made of Oak-Galls Sort them Out After K. Silem Mohammad’s _Grey Areas_ I guess its time I gave you my motto. Senseo Ergo Est. or is that some kind of crouton grey people put out on their salads? Please don’t mess with the memory of Herder. […]


Robert Kendall’s Logozoa project

Lo·go·zo·a n [fr. Gk logos word + zoia animals] (2005) 1 : word animals : textual organisms 2 : a phylum or subkingdom of linguistic entities that are represented in almost every kind of habitat and include aphorisms, anti-aphorisms, maxims, minims, neokoans, sayings, left-unsaids, proverbialisms, poemlets, microtales, instant fables, and other varieties of conceptual riffs. […]



f[dv:—] i only to t[dv:—] he sy[dv:—] ntactic str[dv:—] uc[dv:—] ture clearly in Fig. 3. In the same way we found that we will be ab[dv:—] le to nd similar phenomena that each of [dv:—] t[dv:—] he Creativ[dv:—] ity Templates as the core of the creative process. As the mechanical method included, at least once, […]


Museums — The Royal College of Surgeons of England

Museums — The Royal College of Surgeons of England


software art (noising like its some pretext from the backrow)

In the beginning was the word and the word was with g*d and the word was g*d untsoweiter. In the beginning the continuum was the continuum was the continuum untsoweiter ..In the beginning was the beginning beginning the beginning untsoweiter …nel mezzo cammin di nostro vita is not the same as in the middle of […]

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