Well, today for a while i made some rather ‘audacious’ links at the NKdeE website1i was talking about the site at vilt.net, the domain is no longer mine. dv@CEG. i introduced some fictional characters including a hacker, my host and myself as the delusionary nerd that i am sometimes and linked some ‘serious’ parts, like the developing of publishing tools for authors through a rather weirdish file with some of the fiction at the South end.
The whole point being that science is just another fiction and that fiction is a quasi uncontrollable process at the very core of human understanding, an idea i got ages ago from german Kantian philosopher Hans Vaihinger and that i still find inspiring.
But i just put it all aside at the end of the day…
the overall effect would propably be just confusing to visitors, and i don’t like that kinda hoax nart at all, it smells like those ‘postmodern’ novels that come pouring in from america these days, bad rewrites of Pynchon&Barthelme&Heller&Vonnegut with the fluffy flavour of american writing schools in every paragraph…
…yesyes i ‘ll hold my critiscism till Anke Veld is finished although there’s no reason to, because that process is running and it can’t end…
… the ‘magic’ in writing is its succession of mistakes & failures, the actual process going somewhere, so putting my dirty laundry up there for a night doesn’t bother me at all (that would, by the way, be plain insulting to the millions of bloggers out there)…
…it’s all very simple: when i make a mistake, my screen tells me the next morning it didn’t compile…
…some authors live in utter fear of their audience like people who have never used a computer are frightened horribly each time they click something…
…when you choose to write or author a work, you’re being read because you fail to write it, how splendidly you fail, that is. Failing to write the Divine Comedy, like Dante did, now that’s something…
…now i’m not going to argue about the actual quality of my writing, you & time will tell & in the meantime i’m having the most refined form of torture imaginable to live by…
..thats some of the meaning of the Eliot quote in the starter.jsp file…
